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Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine insemination is a non-invasive method of assisted reproduction, whereby sperm which has been processed in the lab and has improved potential, is then injected directly into the uterus to facilitate the fertilization process.

Intrauterine Insemination may be helpful in cases of poor sperm motility, (by spurring them on and helping them to traverse the distance from the vagina to the uterus) yet it remains a procedure with low success rates, since sperm needs to meet with the oocyte and fertilize it.

The minimally invasive character and the low cost of intrauterine insemination compared with IVF treatment are factors which make IUI a first-choice procedure for young couples with unexplained infertility.


Dr Hiniadis

Assisted Reproduction

Infertility Treatments

Artificial Reproduction Techniques (ART)

Frequently Asked Questions

ο ιατρός

εξωσωματική γονιμοποίηση

Κονδυλώματα – HPV

Λαπαροσκοπική – Ρομποτική
& Υστεροσκοπική Χειρουργική
